Learn About Construction Stakeout Survey

AAA Group
2 min readMay 18, 2021

In order to bring a building’s design, construction stakeout surveys are important. Land surveying companies take development plans, apply them to a construction site, guide the process, and ensure the project can be completed successfully. Keep reading the article to know everything about the Construction Stakeout Survey.

What Is a Construction Stakeout Survey

Construction staking is the process of taking planned improvements and buildings, and then actually mapping them out on the construction site. It plays the important role in helping an organization or business to make the leap from plans and blueprints to actual construction work. The companies should keep in mind to hire a licensed land surveyor to complete this.

The land surveying services can also help identify potential problems with construction building plans, such as safety hazards, security faults, environmental issues, and others. These issues can bring projects to stop and require major changes If discovered in the middle of construction. Knowing about problems during construction allows project managers to correct construction plans before building even begins, rather than wasting money and time on later adjustments.

The Construction Staking Process

When a land surveying company is hired for construction staking, they must use the architect’s/engineer building designs and models as references to place physical stakes in the ground. These stakes need to put in the exact dimensions and locations indicated by the blueprints of the site. Each stake of this process can represent a variety of structures and features which include the inner and outer walls of a building, sidewalks, fences, storm drain lines, underground utilities, and others.

Different Types of Stakeout Surveys

There are two different types of Stakeout Surveys; Rough Grade Staking, and Site Layout Staking.

Rough Grade Staking: This survey is used to map general locations of site improvements. This is useful for building parking, building outlines, roads, and slopes. It is also used for preparing the site for a grading contractor to begin their work.

Site Layout Staking: In this, the surveyor places the final and accurate locations of proposed improvements. Generally, they start with underground structures; water, and electrical lines.

If you need a reliable and licensed land surveying company in New York to perform a construction stakeout survey for your next project, you can count on AAA Group R.E. Servicing Corp. Contact us on (718) 387–9800 to get a free estimate for your land surveying services today!



AAA Group

AAA Group's surveyors provide a wide variety of land surveying services for residential, commercial & industrial properties.